Wednesday, April 28, 2010

the commission

working on a 72x48 study for a commission- beach scene from Haiti. It is fun to paint so large and I enjoy playing with all the different colors in the sky and the palm tree.

Sunday, April 25, 2010

thank you

Many thanks to all of you who came by this weekend! I was impressed with how organized all the Mission Studios have become and it was great to be a part of this event.
Hope to see everyone again in fall. I will keep you posted by email- thanks for signing my mailing list!
all the best,

Saturday, April 24, 2010

Banksy in SF

found this great graffiti by one of my all-time favorite artists this morning at Howard and Ninth... can't believe we had to wait this long for him to show up in SF.

Monday, April 19, 2010

Spring Open Studios 2010

Open Studios in the Mission coming up

There are more artists in the Mission than in any other neighborhood in San Francisco.

Come see for yourself, as you are cordially invited to visit my studio (along with hundreds of other studios) on the weekend of April 24 & 25.

Discover the Mission, enjoy great food, free parking, look at art, mingle with an interesting crowd and meet San Francisco artists where art is made in the city.

Find me at 1890 Bryant Street Studios #211, corner of Mariposa Street.

I will have new work, especially made for this event- small figure studies and landscape paintings, also some additions to my SF b/w print series.

Find out more on my website.

Get a complete list of all participating artists, maps, coupons for local eateries, and the venues and times for all Friday Night Preview parties at

Hope to see you there!

Monday, April 12, 2010

new work: more b/w digital studies of the city.

spring 2010: people on a hill.

Ravens at Baker Beach. Or maybe crows.

new work- mixed media on cigar boxes. my dad's cigar boxes. thanks dad!