Saturday, November 22, 2014

Studio Open to visitors today, 11/22/14 - please don't mind me painting


Today, Saturday, November 22 2014:

1. Holiday Open Studio @ Revere

Come visit the Revere Studio today if you are looking for a year end reward for yourself - or for something really special for those special people in your life.

I will be at the studio, painting, from 2 - 6 PM today.
Plenty of free parking in the lot downstairs.

See available small works here:

- Landscapes and Cityscapes below $500

- Figures below $500

Larger works can be viewed at the studio.

Please note that 2013 prices are valid until 12/31/14.
2015 prices will go in effect 1/1/2015.

Studio Katja Leibenath
1044 Revere @ Griffith
Suite C76
San Francisco, CA

Small Commissions for Christmas will still be accepted this weekend. :)

Available Work - Figurative below $500

Small Figures, Summer

94109 By The Window
Dancer #4
Dancer #7
From The Model  #4

From The Model #12
Sizes vary from 7"x5" to 16"x12", framed and unframed

Available Work - Landscapes & Cityscapes under $500

94109 Entry
Landscape #2
Landscape #3
Landscape #4
Landscape #5
Landscape #6
Landscape #9
Landscape #10
Portola #11
Portola #13
SF #41
Vinnje #2
Vinnje #5
Sizes vary from 7"x5" to 16"x12", framed and unframed.

Friday, October 24, 2014

Open Studios will be NEXT WEEK - and in the Mission!!

I am off for a few days. Leaving tomorrow for some faraway east coast place with a lot of amazing art...

Postponing the Bayview Open Studio for this weekend to next weekend, and to the Mission and Bryant Street Studios!!

Hope to see you there!!

Katja Leibenath Open Studio
1890 Bryant Street @ Mariposa
Studio 207
San Francisco, CA 94110

Friday, 10/31 6-9PM
Saturday and Sunday 11/1 and 2, 11-6PM

Saturday, October 18, 2014

Open Studio THIS weekend, NEXT weekend and more...

Open Studios for 10/25 and 26 has been postponed to Nov 1/2.
See you in the Mission!

Thursday, August 14, 2014

what happened in August

Remember how, a few months ago, Pinterest thought the only space in the city good enough for them would be the San Francisco Design Center, because it is so pretty and made of brick and just the only building pin-worthy in all the Bay Area?

No other office space would do, even though there still seems to be plenty of it. The Design Center had to be converted from coveted PDR space into office space, just for them to be happy. And they are a big company after all.

And the city said no.
And the current tenants were so happy.
And then the landlord raised their rents. Astronomically.

In short, my gallery is closing. John McEvoy Fine Art is closing end of this month after 20 years in business. I know it is not Pinterests fault. Maybe nobody is to blame and it is just the way things go.
It still makes me not want to paint. At all. Because, if galleries keep closing, how am I going to sell my work?

If you were making, let's say, liquor, and all the liquor stores that sell your stuff were closing, it would be pretty clear to you that the place needs no more liquor, no? So there.

I am contemplating Detroit, just to be far away from San Francisco- or from what San Francisco wants to be all of a sudden. Of course I am not going. But I am so, so sad.

Article from February 2014
Article from last month.

Monday, July 14, 2014

Back in town

I am back from my travels and the studio is buzzing with work -
come by this

Sunday, July 20, between 2 and 7PM,

to chat and to see the new studio - and some new works in progress.

Bayview Industrial Park
1044 Revere Avenue @ Griffiths

Drive into the lot, the building entrance is on your left, halfway down the building, or up the ramps on either side. Sorry, no elevator.

Studio C76

Plenty of free street parking, or park in the lot behind the building, along the fence.

Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Five Dancers, 72 x 94

largest painting I've ever worked on... still a bit in progress

Saturday, May 24, 2014

Visit the new Studio this Sunday, May 25 ~ 3-6PM, 1044 Revere

The studio will now be open on a few Sunday afternoons throughout the year, if you care to see it in actual working mode without getting paint on everything. Now there is room to do it. I am very excited!
First Open House at the new Bayview studio this

Sunday, 5/25, from 3PM - 6PM

at Bayview Industrial Park at 1044 Revere Avenue @ Griffith.

See new figurative work in several stages of progress.

Maybe you can make it this time or next time or some other day~ either way, I look forward to seeing you.

All the best, Katja

Park in the parking lot straight ahead, the entrance is down the middle of the building on the left, it says 1044 above the doorway.
Please note: You will need a car to get there, this is an industrial area and a bit rustic.
My studio is up the stairs and to the right.


PS: I will be traveling in June, please email if you'd like to schedule an appointment before I leave.